Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering

By | July 3, 2023

Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering – 3 WHY GEOLOGY??? Geology plays a very important role in the field of civil engineering. It provides knowledge about the materials used in construction. Its knowledge helps to build dams. Geotechnical engineers need knowledge of this subject for drilling (excavation). Bindusara TS

For the design of highways and roads. When making tunnels. A soil test is done before any project. Its knowledge is useful for river management and navigation. The type of property you can find out. Bindusara TS

Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering

Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering

GEO=Earth, LOGY=Science It deals with the study of the origin, age, internal structure and history of the earth Theory of evolution and formation of different surface features such as rivers, mountains and lakes. Material things make the world. Bindusara TS

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Physical Geology Engineer Geology Mineralogy Mining Geology Petrology Geophysics Structural Geology Geohydrology Historical Geology Geochemistry Paleontology Economic Geology Bindusara TS

This is also called dynamic geology or geomorphology. Physical geology deals with different features of the earth’s structure such as mountains, rivers, lakes, glaciers and volcanoes. It also deals with various changes that occur on the surface of the earth such as oceans, the formation or disappearance of rivers, springs and lakes. Bindusara TS

Natural events such as landslides, earthquakes and weather. Geological functions of aquifers and their role in the permanent formation of the earth’s surface. Bindusara TS

Mineralogy deals with the detailed process of composition, structure, occurrence, types, organizational properties, materials etc. Bindusara TS.

Thus Geology Is Important For Civil Engineering

Engineering perspective The strength and durability of a material depends on its chemical composition. Quartzite and marble are similar in color and appearance, but due to its mineral composition, quartzite is very hard, hard, strong and durable, while marble is damaged and destroyed by short term due to its mineral composition and properties. Bindusara TS

Petrology deals with the study of rocks. The upper part of the earth, also called the lithosphere, is made of different types of rocks. Petrology deals with form, structure, form, form, phenomenon, species etc. Bindusara TS

The stone’s texture and textural qualities contribute greatly to its strength and durability. Depending on their suitability, stones can be used for the foundations of dams, tunnels and other building materials. Therefore, it is the most important branch of geology from the point of view of civil engineering. Bindusara TS

Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering

The rocks that make up the earth’s surface become deformed, displaced and eroded by the forces of plate tectonics. The results are the formation of geological structures such as folds, faults, joints and unconformities in the rocks. Detailed method of structure, causes, types, groups, importance etc., Bindusara TS

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Geological structures changed the natural structure of rocks, making them suitable or unsuitable for civil engineering purposes. Sedimentary rocks at the dam site with a dip above the water provided a desirable geological setting, while one with a low dip made the geological setting less desirable. Bindusara TS

The surface of the earth was always a suitable condition for depositing mud somewhere. Therefore, there are sedimentary rocks on Earth that represent the entire period of Earth’s history. accurate analysis of these rocks reveals the chronological sequence of rock events, evolution, migration, and plant and animal life at different times of Earth’s history. The study of this type of earth’s history through sedimentary rocks is called historical geology. Bindusara TS

If, under favorable conditions, animal and plant life penetrates the mud, it will be preserved whole or in part. Such remains of ancient life preserved in rocks by natural processes are known as fossils. The details of the formation of fossils, their types, occurrence, etc. are the subject of paleontology. It is not very important from a civil engineering point of view. Bindusara TS

Minerals can be classified into rock-forming minerals and economic minerals. some of the economic minerals such as talc, graphite, mica, asbestos, gypsum, magnetite and diamond are useful as raw materials in other industries. Others such as hematite, chromite, galena and pyrolusite are used for the extraction of various metal ores. Bindusara TS

Structural Geology: Folds

The prosperity of the nation is highly dependent on the rich resources of economic minerals. The Gulf countries are rich because of oil reserves; South Africa is rich because of its gold and diamond deposits. It deals with the process of creation, event, groups, groups, types and concentrations, properties and uses. etc. It has to do with economic importance. Not related to civil engineering perspective Bindusara TS

This deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of civil engineering for the implementation of safe, sustainable and economical construction such as dams, bridges and tunnels. Bindusara TS

This deals with the use of geological knowledge in mining. A mining engineer is interested in the size of the occurrence of ores, their organization, tenor, properties, etc., it is also necessary to know other physical parameters such as depth, direction (strike), slope (dip) thickness and rock bodies. Bindusara TS

Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering

The study of material such as the earth’s density and magnetism. It is divided into pure geophysics and analytical geophysics. Pure geophysics deals with the general features of the earth as a whole, and the study of geophysics deals with the study of the surface of the earth’s surface to solve engineering problems and to find oil, gas and underground water, to explore and estimate ore deposits. Bindusara TS

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This can also be called hydrogeology. It deals with event, movement and nature, i.e. (quality and quantity) of groundwater in an area. This branch is closely related to geology, because the movement of the presence of underground water is directly related to the porosity, permeability, structure, structure and composition of underground water and underground rocks. of the world. Bindusara TS

This branch is modern and deals with the appearance, distribution, mass, movement, etc. of different parts of the earth’s surface. It is not important from a structural engineering point of view. Bindusara TS

Geology provides the necessary information about the site’s construction materials used to build buildings, dams, tunnels, tanks, reservoirs, highways and bridges. Geological issues are very important in the design phase, design phase and construction phase of an engineering project. Bindusara TS

Geology helps to know how to mine rocks and minerals on the earth’s surface and underground. Geology is useful for providing, storing and filling reservoirs with water. This is the only article that provides information about the Earth’s surface. Bindusara TS

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Before building roads, bridges, tunnels, tanks, dams and buildings, site selection is important in terms of foundation stability. Geology provides systematic knowledge of building materials and their properties. Knowledge of rock structure during tunneling and road construction. Bindusara TS

Foundation problems for dams, bridges and structures are directly related to the geology of the area where they will be built. Knowledge of groundwater is required for drilling, water supply, irrigation and many other projects. Bindusara TS

Knowledge of erosion, transport and deposition (ETD) of surface water helps in soil conservation, river management. Geological maps and sections are very helpful in planning many engineering projects. If geological features such as faults, joints, beds, folds are present, they must be treated appropriately. Therefore, the stability of stone structures is important. Preliminary geological investigation of the area in question reduces the cost of planning work. Bindusara TS

Relevance Of Geology In Civil Engineering

Any hard and strong stone can be selected when exposed to the atmosphere, making the stone unsuitable for site use as a foundation or building material. The reaction data of the different minerals that make up the rocks will give a better understanding of the climate. Therefore, the weathering of rocks is studied in general geology. Bindusara TS

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1. Engineering Geology by N. Chennakesavulu, McMillan India Ltd. 2. Engineering Geology by S K Duggal, H K Pandey Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt Ltd 2014. 3. Engineering Geology by Perbin Singh Katson educational series 2013 4. Reference from Google. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists, Pearson. 2. Krynine & Judd, Principles of Engineering Geology & Geotechnics, CBS Publishers & Distribution. Bindusara TS

To make this website work, we collect user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must accept our privacy policy, including our cookie policy. Geology is the study of the earth, the materials it is made of, the structure of those materials and the effects of natural forces acting on them and is important to civil engineering because all the work done by civil engineers affects the earth and your duties. A basic understanding of geology is so important that it is a requirement in civil engineering programs at the university level. In order for a civil engineering project to be successful, engineers must understand the soil upon which the project rests. Geologists are studying the site to see if it is stable enough to support the proposed project. They also study water patterns to see if an area is prone to flooding. Some civil engineers use geologists to analyze rocks for precious metals, oil, natural gas and underground water.

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