Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers – You’re at the top of your game in your engineering field: solving problems, creating products, and applying what you’ve learned from your degree.

But now it feels like it’s time to go out into the world, get more responsibility and earn more money – but what’s the next step?

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

Some engineers pursue a master’s degree in engineering at this time to improve their technical skills. However, many engineers also turn to business schools for MBA programs to improve their management skills.

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Which path has greater benefits for your career advancement? There is some uncertainty about whether an MBA is the right graduate program for engineers.

You can continue working with these credentials quite comfortably. However, if you feel a strong desire to run towards bigger things like promotions and higher roles, you need to take your studies up a notch.

At this point you have two options. To pursue an advanced degree in a strictly technical field or broaden your horizons via the MBA route.

If you​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​,

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These skills combined with your engineering smarts catapult you into senior roles in engineering, senior administration and management teams.

That’s because you offer the best of both worlds to your employer – you’re a first-rate engineer with fluency in business and corporate language.

Think of it this way; your career progression is similar to scaling a high-rise building. Everyone starts from the ground floor with basic technical qualifications. Gaining more experience and education unlocks access cards to higher floors.

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

Without an MBA, your access may be limited to senior engineering roles only. While an MBA unlocks access to higher executive roles in business administration and engineering management.

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The average salary for engineers with an MBA degree is around $100,000 per year. Individual statistics may vary depending on the specific MBA program.

According to statistics from Payscale, the salary scale for an MBA engineer averages $111,000 per year. Here are some average salaries for different sectors.

Statistics also show that engineering management MBA degree holders are reported to earn an average of $94,000 per year.

Reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that engineers with a bachelor’s degree earn at least 13% less than those with an MBA. For example, mechanical engineers with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $88,570 per year.

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In addition to the pay gap, here are some of the top reasons why an MBA is a worthwhile investment.

The business environment is complex. From dealing with spending forecasts, fending off competitors and managing projects, it often demands a lot from managers.

To succeed in a management role, you must be well versed in all aspects of running a business.

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

MBA programs can help you gain an in-depth understanding of how businesses work. Courses dive deep into modules such as:

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With these skills, you are better placed to fully deliver shareholder value, making you a valuable asset to any team.

Additionally, an MBA degree will help improve your people skills through courses like communication and human resource management. That way, you can effectively manage the staff management element of administrative roles.

As an engineer, you have a logical problem-solving mindset designed to bring solutions to complex problems. This technical point of view usually plants ideas and concepts for new products and solutions in your mind.

With an MBA from a top business school, you can get the knowledge and confidence you need to get the ball rolling on your project. Plus, learning about financial positions can help you figure out how to prepare the right paperwork to attract investors to give you funding.

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Additionally, once you get started, you are equipped to stay informed about your financial situation, helping you transform your ideas into a profitable business.

An MBA adds weight to your resume that attracts quality employers. Large companies often look for candidates with a mix of technical expertise and business skills to fill management positions.

Having an MBA inspires confidence with your employers, making you eligible for promotions when the opportunity arises.

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

Back in the 1900s, educators like Edgard Dale discovered that passively listening to information was not the best method of teaching and learning.

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The nature of a good MBA program follows an active learning path. This simply means that the instruction mode does not feed your information passively.

With an active learning mode, your mind retains more knowledge. In addition, it will be easier for you to connect real work experiences with your studies.

By forming those active connections between the workplace and your studies, you’ll find quick application of knowledge to assignments.

An MBA degree is about active learning. The online MBA platform is designed to encourage students to participate after every 8 seconds.

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Plus, it allows you to provide feedback on your progress throughout. The system allows you to proceed to the next level only if you master the previous one.

That way you stay engaged, and at the end of the course you can be sure that you have understood everything you need to.

Pedagogy refers to methods of teaching and learning. In its advanced form, pedagogy is student-centered. It focuses on the student mastering concepts, not passing a test.

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

Obtaining an MBA qualification through an advanced pedagogy-based program such as an MBA gives you the best learning opportunity.

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It’s no secret that how you learn affects how you learn. When you use these teaching and learning techniques in your role as a manager, you will become better at giving instructions, helping and caring for subordinates, and inspiring teamwork.

You need to look at both sides of the coin to settle on the best decision. So let’s get into the disadvantages of MBA.

The cost of getting an MBA runs into the hundreds of thousands and can make a big dent in your pocket.

In contrast, the MBA program is categorically acceptable. For $950 per month over the 14-month duration of the program, you get access to a top-rated online MBA program. In addition, scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis to help cover tuition costs.

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MBA required. The sheer volume of content, especially in unfamiliar business concepts, can drown you in hours of work. When taking a classroom program, juggling work and finding time for classes is a tall order.

When you compare a traditional MBA degree to an online MBA program, it gives you more room to work around your schedule.

However, even with online studies, if the course is dense, full of boring lectures and lack of engagement, it will overwhelm you. As an MBA student with an engineering background, you need a course designed to help you progress.

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

The MBA is structured so that you can consume the material in bite-sized chunks. In addition, the interactive platform and active learning component make understanding easier and faster. You can get your MBA or EMBA in 14 months.

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The longer you work in your field of engineering, the more experience and valuable skills you gain. Through this experience, you can move up to senior management.

If you’ve reached this point in your career, you may already be too high on the ladder; there is nowhere to go.

Getting an MBA when you’ve already climbed this far would just be an unnecessary expense. MBAs are more suitable for engineers who still have some way to go to reach the top.

If you are more interested in staying on the technical side rather than managing business affairs, then an MBA may not be of much use to you.

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For example, if you prefer to stay at a traditional engineering firm or stay on the hands-on side of things, focus on expanding your technical education.

With precise planning skills and your knowledge of engineering management, you can steer the organization in the right direction.

The MBA incorporates leadership as part of business education to propel MBA students into engineering management positions.

Engineering Degrees For Non Engineers

If your goal is to lead the organization in a position that requires a technical and business touch, you can lean towards an MBA degree to further your career advancement.

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On the other hand, if you see yourself strictly as a scientist responsible for leading a technical role, a master’s degree in engineering would be more appropriate for your goals.

You can start your way into executive-level engineering management roles through an MBA with one of three options.

You can opt for traditional classrooms and online options, but they will cost you an arm and a leg.

The MBA offers the same recognized MBA qualification at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, you get access to a fully interactive platform that will make learning easier.

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Plus, you’ll have the credentials to qualify for senior-level engineering management roles in no time. Apply now to start the online MBA program.

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